S.H.A.R.E. Program

Sharing Hygienists & Assistants
Referral Exchange

Offering $100 credit to our dental practices if they S.H.A.R.E. with us.

We realize that for the foreseeable future, you will likely be utilizing all your current employees to catch up with the many patients you have had to reschedule in order to generate as much income as possible to pay your bills. Once offices are back to the “new” normal, Dental Express Staffing will be implementing a SHARE Program that involves issuing credits to dental offices in exchange for referring a dental professional to Dental Express.  We all understand the costs, both in resources and time, that recruiting takes.  We also know that good, reliable and consistent employees are hard to find and hard to retain.  We would love the opportunity to SHARE with you… If you have employees looking for extra hours on their days off, we would love to utilize your valued employee as a substitute for your colleagues. If the schedule falls apart or the dentist in your office takes a vacation, he/she can avoid paying unemployment costs by referring them to us during that timeframe in order to keep them working!

Dental Express and the potential employee would sign a 120 day agreement that would prevent us from permanently placing the employee in any office for 120 days from their first date of subbing and ensure they can’t “use us” to search for another position.  This is a great opportunity for your employees and can increase office/staff rapport…showing them you trust them, support them, and care for them.  We assure you that our only intention and ultimate goal is to cover all offices that are in need of help throughout each year just as we try to help your office.  We all realize the importance of ongoing production when an employee is out of the office, so this is a fantastic way to help your colleagues and allow them to help you.

Think about it…your employees can earn money on days off.  This enables them to be more financially secure, while still having job security with you, yet helps us have more staff to possibly send your way on the days you have a schedule gap in your own office.  Let’s work together to keep these reliable employees working as much as they are able in order to catch up on their bills as well!

The criteria needed in order to receive a $100 credit for your office:

  • Have the dental professional email their resume to employment@dentalexpressstaffing.com and drop your office’s name as the referral source
  • Carolyn or Steph will call each individual for an interview and collect all employment paperwork, including the 120 day No Permanent Placement Agreement
  • Once they have worked for us and we receive positive feedback, your office will receive a $100 credit on your account.
  • Credits will be issued every quarter…(Jan, Apr, July, Oct)