How long has Dental Express Staffing been in business?

We started Dental Express in October 2009.
1. To provide dental offices with quality dental professionals that help them avoid losing production.
2. To provide dental professionals an opportunity for employment or extra income when needed.
We prefer that you email or call when reaching out to us with questions or updates.
Phone: 855-345-6684 (this number does NOT receive text)
However, if you are responding to a text that was sent to you, we ask that you reply directly to that particular text. We appreciate an answer to any request we send, whether you are available or not. This helps us to be efficient when searching for help.
We require a call to 855-345-6684 ASAP. This line does NOT accept text messages. Once you talk with a staffing coordinator about why you are unable to make it to work, we will ask you to call the office directly later in the day to apologize and explain the situation to them as well.
Sometimes, if given enough notice, we can arrange a tour or meeting in advance.
We provide all the information about the office in an email, so that you are aware prior to arrival. You can ask via phone or email also prior to committing.
We currently cover the entire state of WI, portions of Iowa, eastern MN, and northern IL.
Yes, with the proper training, we find this to be a great way for new graduates to gain experience in the dental field. This is an excellent opportunity to discover more about the office before committing to a permanent position.
One huge benefit to working with Dental Express is the flexibility. Our system allows us to set up your specific availability in order to contact you for the days you prefer. We have several staff that work with us on a very limited basis or when their permanent office is on vacation.
We do offer some benefits to some of our staff that qualify. These benefits include PTO bonuses, mileage reimbursement, CPR and Uniform reimbursement, license renewal reimbursement, and additional bonuses based on merit.
Hourly rates depend on position, experience and location. This is discussed in the interview process.
Yes, we do pay mileage after 50 miles round trip.
We receive short notice and advanced notice requests. We try to give our staff as much notice as we receive from the office. We receive requests the morning of the need as well as months in advance.
This agreement is informative and outlines the policies so that we know you understand our expectations. There is no obligation, except that we do require a 2-week notice for those that want to terminate employment in the midst of an assignment. This allows us time to find a replacement if you have committed to one of our clients.
We employ dental professionals in whatever capacity they are looking for. We have options to temp for a day, parttime, or fulltime. You are allowed to choose your availability.
Our primary form of reaching out to staff about available opportunities is via text. Also, our temporary and permanent opportunities are listed on our website. The link allows you to communicate with us about a request that you may be interested in.
We try to accommodate our dental clients by placing dental professionals that they request or that are in close proximity first. If that is not possible, then first to respond may be booked.
Yes, we would love referrals. We do pay out referral bonuses for staff that works out well for our company and has positive feedback.
Timecards are all entered online through The employee logs in to their portal and submits their timecard through there. Once a timecard is submitted, the employee, dental office, and Dental Express will receive a copy.
Payday is each Friday. Any hours worked from Sunday to Saturday will be direct deposited the following Friday.
Yes, our staff are W-2 employees, so taxes are withheld.
Our dental professionals are covered under our workers comp policy. We also provide general and professional liability as well as cyber liability.
We do not require our staff to have their own insurance, however we recommend it for their own safety. Our policies cover our staff through Dental Express, however it would not cover if an individual is personally accused of a wrongdoing.
Yes. Subbing prior to taking a permanent job is a fantastic option and gives everyone a chance to “try things out”.
If you are applying in WI, MN, or IL, please email your resume to
If you are applying in IA, please email your resume to

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